by Jonathan Foster
October 22, 2024 1:26 am
I write, have a doctorate in mimetic theory and open and relational theology, been a pastor, founded with my son, have an awesome wife, three kids, and as it’s turning out, an intense if not interesting life. Season 1: LGTBQ+ stuff S2: Ideas arond being a human being. S3: Why I Still… S4: Story S5: F.A.Q.’s S6: Random stuff connected to my substack/patreon page S7: People I’m listening to S8: A bunch of open and relational theology discussions Track me down at Make sure to hit the follow or subscribe. And if you dig it, you’re welcome to leave a review. Thanks!
Recent Episodes
The Tom and Tammy Episode: Tradition, Nazarenes, Change, and the Future
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00The Quest for Thin Places with Dana Hicks
1 month ago00:00/00:00Open and Relational Faith Journies with Mason Mennenga
2 months ago00:00/00:00God, Sex, and Rich People with Mattie Jo Cowsert
2 months ago00:00/00:00Justin Scoggins, Inking Christ
4 months ago00:00/00:00Poet, Author, Darrell Epp and his new book: Alien Phonics Primer!
4 months ago00:00/00:00Beer, the NBA, and Open and Relational Theology with Tripp Fuller
5 months ago00:00/00:00Talkin' Open and Relational Theology with filmmaker, Sarey Martin Concepción
5 months ago00:00/00:00Open & Relational Theology and My Muslim Friends: Saida Mirsadri & Jared Morningstar
6 months ago00:00/00:00An Open and Relational Theological Conversation with Dr. Marjorie Suchocki
6 months ago00:00/00:00