Where Coffee, Conversation, and Theology Meet. During my 40 years in ministry, I’ve developed an increasing burden for what I sense to be an increase in biblical illiteracy, not only among those in our churches, but also in the young men and women entering the ministry. Conversely, I am hopeful, because I also sense a […]
Dr. Steven R. Cook is a Christian educator and traditional dispensationalist with a passion for teaching and writing about Scripture and Christian theology. He provides verse by verse analysis of Scripture and engages in discussions about Christian theology, rooted in his studies of the original languages of Scripture, ancient history, and systematic theology. As a […]
Welcome to Get to the Heart, a podcast hosted by Michael Weidman and Bailey Mullens. Join us as we explore theological topics and try to uncover the deeper meaning behind them, just as Jesus did. Our goal is to help you apply the heart of these topics to your everyday walk with Jesus. In each […]
Welcome to the Reasonable Theology podcast, where I present sound doctrine in plain language. I’m here to help you better understand, articulate, and live out the fullness of the Christian faith.
A Look at the world from a theological perspective. This is done through News commentary, Bible studies, theological discussion and church history studies. New content added on a regular basis so check for new episodes each day. You can find more information at https://www.theologycentral.net/ You can find us on your favorite podcast player. FAVORITE WAYS […]
Canadian Philosophy and Theology professor and former Catholic Monk Dr. Sean J. McGrath examines how to practice contemplative Christianity in the secular age. Subscribe on Substack. https://centerofthecross.substack.com/
Theology on Air is a weekly podcast that explores the truth claims of Christianity, often through the eyes of non-Christians. Agnostics, atheists, skeptics, and people of other faiths discuss and debate the issues of the day and the timeless questions of the past. We’ll dig deep into theology, the Bible, and current events, but we […]
Reformed Forum supports the church in presenting every person mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28) by providing Reformed theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings.
The Reformed Forum is a reformed theology media network. The forum seeks to serve the church by providing content dedicated to issues in reformed theology.
Restitutio is a Christian theology podcast designed to get you thinking about biblical theology, church history, and apologetics in an effort to recover the original Christian faith of Jesus and the apostles apart from all of the later traditions that settled on it like so much sediment, obscuring and mutating primitive Christianity into dogma and […]
Dialogue on Teaching, hosted by Nancy Lynne Westfield, Ph.D., is the monthly podcast of The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Amplifying the Wabash Center’s mission, the podcast focuses upon issues of teaching and learning in theology and religion within colleges, universities and seminaries. The podcast series will feature dialogues with […]
Join us on Good Call – a podcast in which Pastor Andrew Farley answers theological questions from live callers, helping them break free from lifeless religion and rest freely in God’s grace. For more content like this, visit andrewfarley.org. You can help us continue sharing God’s message of grace with the world here: https://andrewfarley.org/donate/ Connect […]
Emgangathweni (Back to Basics) is a show on Radio Pulpit aimed at unlocking and revealing truths through interactive dialogue and discussions. Audience members bring their own views and analysis of specific theological trends. Listeners can expect intriguing as well as empowering and uplifting conversations that cover a broad spectrum of topics.
Recasting the stories of our shared public life together, using theology and philosophy. Smart. Fun. Challenging both the programmatic secularists and the quasi-theocrats, by lifting up a generous public religious voice for the flourishing of all Creation.
Have you ever looked at a situation you’re facing in utter disbelief and thought, “How will I ever get over this?” Lysa TerKeurst understands. After years of heartbreak and emotional trauma, she realized it’s not about just getting over hard circumstances but learning how to work through what she has walked through. Now, she wants […]
Dr. Michael Easley answers your biblical and theological questions each week. Call or text us at 615-281-9694 or email us at question@michaelincontext.com with your question.
The ‘Gospel Con Carne’ is a gritty journey of Tex-Mex theology that explores the woundedness of society through untold stories of homelessness. Our host, Alan Graham, is the founder and CEO of Austin, TX-based Mobile Loaves and Fishes – a social outreach ministry that has been empowering communities into a lifestyle of service with the […]
Popcorn Theology is a podcast where entertainment and theology meet. We look at film and TV, both new and old from a Biblical perspective, enjoying the arts to the glory of God. Join in on the conversation!
As president and ambassador of Fuller Theological Seminary, Mark Labberton takes the occasion of his travels to speak with a broad spectrum of leaders on issues at the heart of the seminary’s mission.
Have you ever wished that someone would explain theology in a way that doesn’t require a degree or a dictionary? Maybe you’ve listened to a sermon and it seemed like the pastor was speaking another language. Or perhaps you’ve thought that the notes in your study Bible could use a commentary of their own. From […]
Discussing the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Is Calvinism Correct? How about Arminianism? Or is the answer found somewhere in between? Sit in on our Online University Theology Classroom, Soteriology 101, as we unpack the doctrines of God’s Amazing Grace. Other topics to include: Predestination, Election, Depravity, Atonement, Once saved always saved, and much more.
A weekly podcast from Premier Unbelievable? with Professor Alister McGrath exploring C.S. Lewis’ thought, theology and teaching. C.S. Lewis is one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. The 20th Century British writer and lay theologian has profoundly impacted Christians around the world and brought many atheists and agnostics to faith in Jesus. One […]
What happens when you lock an Old Testament, New Testament, and Theology professor in a room to discuss provocative topics related to bible and theology? Find out as you listen to the podcast of three professors from Great Lakes Christian College engage the sorts of questions students ask … after class. Featuring (from left to […]
A theology podcast for the church. The pastor theologians podcast consists of conversations and teaching resources at the intersection of theological scholarship and life and ministry in the local church. The vision for this show is to help equip pastors to be theologians for today’s complex world.
You’re invited to hang out on Lisa Harper’s back porch and enjoy conversations about all things Jesus, theological anthropology, biblical orthodoxy, Spanx, the merits of Tex-Mex and more! We believe this podcast will help you dive deeper into God’s word, understand that the gospel is great news for everyday life, not just when viewed in […]
As an associate professor of music and worship and part-time worship pastor, Cliff has spent years thinking deeply about the songs that we sing together as a church during our corporate worship services. Yet, instead of being another deconstructing voice, Cliff seeks to foster unique and edifying conversations with folks who create and lead the […]
Deep Talks: Exploring Theology and Meaning-Making is a podcast dedicated to exploring the integral relationship between theology and all of our efforts to find and make meaning in the world. Fostering nuanced, non-combative dialogue about theology and culture, science, the arts and entertainment, and philosophy within a broad, historic Christian perspective.
The longest running podcast for and by LGBTQ Christians and other queer people of faith and spiritual seeker. Hosted by Fr. Shannon TL Kearns, a transgender Christian priest and Brian G. Murphy, a bisexual polyamorous Jew. and now in its 10th year, the Queer Theology Podcast shares deep insights and practical tools for building a […]
Fox News Religion Correspondent Lauren Green uses her wealth of stories, vast network of contacts, and her own extensive study of theology to take the listener on a unique journey of spiritual discovery.
The Exegete is a biblical teaching podcast that walks you through books of the Bible verse-by-verse. With over 30 years of experience in ministry, and 40 years experience in studying the Word, Gary Livengood helps you discover the meaning and purpose of theology and how it fits into our daily lives. Livengood also walks you […]
The Hour of Holiness is a national 30-minute radio program heard Sunday mornings at 9:30 on American Family Radio. The Hour of Holiness is sponsered by Wesley Biblical Seminary and features Dr. William Ury, Professor of Systematic Theology. The message of purity of heart is proclaimed through a close look at Scripture and with a […]
Good Word is an invitation. An invitation to explore biblical and theological topics presented in regularly published Bible Study guides. The Bible awaits our continued study and investigation; Good Word provides one way to approach it.
The Center for Asian American Christianity is a thought leader in the areas of Asian American theology and ministry. We curate a forward-thinking conversation about the issues confronting Asian American churches at ltiaa.com Learn more about the Center for Asian American Christianity at https://www.ptsem.edu/academics/center-for-asian-american-christianity
I am Pastor Jonathan Edwards. (No, not THAT Jonathan Edwards!). But like the greatest theological mind America has ever produced, I have a desire to know and understand God’s Word and how to put it into practice. Many Christians have been accused of having a “dead orthodoxy” – that is, a life that doesn’t live […]
Many of us are busy and burned out with life. We have a million things to do, but we also want to study the Bible. Theology in Under 10 minutes is a show for people struggling to find the time for Bible study and want quick, in-depth studies that feed their intellect and soul. Learn […]
Christ the Center is an audio program centered on Christian reformed theology. In each episode a group of informed panelists discuss important issues and stimulate listeners to critical thinking and a better understanding of reformed doctrine designed to yield godly living.
Life’s confusing. Some things only God knows, but we’re still going to struggle to find some of the answers. It’s going to be hard, so we might as well drink. Welcome to the Tipsy Theology Podcast. Cheers!
On this show, we challenge dangerous teachings found in various strands of Christianity while also taking seriously Jesus’s own teachings that lead us into dangerous places. Hosted by Brian Kaylor, president & editor-in-chief of Word&Way.
The weekly podcast that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thought and theology by allowing you to ask the questions. Presented by Premier Unbelievable? in partnership with SPCK and NTWrightOnline. www.premierunbelievable.com
Dr. A.J. Swoboda and Dr. Nijay Gupta are co-hosts of Slow Theology: Simple Faith for Chaotic Times. We talk Bible, theology, and anything and everything else under the sun that gives our lives meaning.
For Christians, spiritual growth depends on a healthy diet that includes both the milk and meat of God’s Word. But before we can savor large portions of sound doctrine, we need to be able to digest the basics of biblical truth. Whether you are a pastor, Sunday school teacher, or parent, helping others enjoy the […]
We can worship God with our minds by pondering the things of God, who He is, and how creation relates to its Creator. If you are looking for a podcast with all the answers about God and Theology, this is not the show for you! But, if you are looking for a show that will […]
James Eglinton, Cory Brock, Marinus de Jong, and Gray Sutanto. Four theologians and friends from four different countries talk Neo-Calvinism, theology, religion, public faith, culture, and more. Support us at https://donorbox.org/graceincommon
Dr. Charles Kim, Jr. offers interviews and conversations about the historic doctrines and theologians of the Christian faith. The podcast has grown over the last several years to include not only round table discussions of ancient theological texts, but also includes interviews of leading theologians on these topics.
Theology on the Go is a brief conversation on eternal truths. It features Jonathan Master — seminary president and author — and James Dolezal — author and university professor. Each bi-weekly discussion features a key biblical doctrine in both a thoughtful and accessible way, proving the relevance of theology for Christians every day!