Intermittent Fasting Stories
by Gin Stephens
November 4, 2021 4:00 pm
Are you ready to be inspired? Tune in each week to hear real-world stories from successful intermittent fasters, including their best tips to help you find success. Intermittent Fasting Stories is hosted by Gin Stephens, author of Delay, Don’t Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle and Feast Without Fear: Food and the Delay, Don’t Deny Lifestyle.
In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin welcomes Bett Lucas back to the podcast. Bett was a guest on episode 40, and she shares how her life has changed since her last visit.
Gin’s new book Clean(ish) is available for preorder! Gin wants to show you how to become clean(ish) where it counts:you’ll learn how to eat (mostly) clean and live (mainly) clean as you unlock your body’s natural ability to self-clean.
Instead of aiming for perfection (which is impossible) or changing everything at once (which is hard, and never leads to lasting change), you’ll cut through the confusion, lose the fear, and embrace the freedom that comes from becoming clean(ish). As you learn how to lower your toxic load through small changes, smart swaps, and simple solutions, you’ll breathe a (clean) sigh of relief and embrace your own personal evolution toward becoming clean(ish).
Go to https://www.ginstephens.com/cleanish.html for more information. The book will be released on 1/4/22, but you can preorder now through Amazon or your favorite online book retailer. Preordering is really important, as it gives the publisher an idea of how many books to print.
Bett lives her best life in Washington state, where she is a busy mother of six children. She also hosts a podcast, Living Your Big Bold Life. Her podcast helps listeners to ‘live boldly in the areas of health, career and family.”
BIG NEWS! We have made some major changes in the Delay, Don’t Deny membership community, including moving to a whole new platform. Our old platform had some bugs and issues with functionality which kept us from connecting as easily as we hoped, so we have moved the entire community. It’s new and improved—and we are already feeling at home. If you’re looking for intermittent fasting support in a cozy community that celebrates the clean fast, you can now join us by going to ginstephens.com/community. And, if you were a Delay, Don’t Deny Social Network member who was under-whelmed with the experience, we promise the new community has everything we hoped for but didn’t have on the old platform.
You can connect directly with Gin in the Ask Gin group, and she’ll answer all of your questions personally. If you’re new to intermittent fasting or recommitting to the IF lifestyle, join the 28-Day FAST Start group, and both Gin and the other group members will walk virtually beside you each day of your FAST Start. After your fast start, join Gin and other community members for support in The 1st Year group. There are many more useful spaces beyond these three, and you can join as many as you like.
Members of the DDD Community have access to all episodes of Intermittent Fasting Stories streaming within the community platform, ad-free! You can even download them to your device and listen off-line. That’s just one reason to join.
Visit ginstephens.com/communityto join. An annual membership is $59.95. If you aren’t ready to fully commit for a year, join for $9.99 a month and you can cancel at any time. If you know you’ll want to stay forever, we also have a lifetime membership option available.
IF is free. You don’t need to join our community to fast. But if you’re looking for support from a community of like-minded IFers, we are here for you at ginstephens.com/community.
NOTE: If you were an annual member of the DDD Social Network who joined between March and September of 2021, please go to https://dddsocialnetwork.com/news/96401, log in, and read about how you can make the transition to the new platform at no additional charge.
Get Gin’s books at http://www.ginstephens.com/get-the-books.html, including her New York Times Bestseller, Fast. Feast. Repeat., available wherever you buy books!
Share your intermittent fasting stories with Gin: gin@intermittentfastingstories.com
Follow Gin on Twitter @gin_stephens
Follow Gin on Instagram @GinStephens
Visit Gin’s website at ginstephens.com
Check out Gin’s Favorite Things at http://www.ginstephens.com/gins-favorite-things.html
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
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