Empower Her Fitness
by Aoife McAuliffe
July 24, 2023 4:00 am
A podcast for millennials who are serious about health and fitness! Join Irish-Australian nutritionist (G.Dip. Human Nutrition) and online fitness coach Aoife McAuliffe as she simplifies nutrition and fitness and dispels fact from fad (diet) so that you can lose fat while eating more, training smarter, and ultimately understand nutrition so that you too can experience food freedom! Each week the Empower Her Fitness podcast will help you to understand what to focus on when it comes to weight loss, strength, and body composition so that you can achieve results that you never thought possible. This will include guest interviews with experts in the industry as well as evidence-based discussions on all things female health and fitness including weight loss, macros, female physiology, strength training, and mindset.
Recent Episodes
#79: Client Naomi talks about her journey from Crossfit 6 times a week & restrictive dieting to fixing her relationship with food
1 year ago00:00/00:00#78: Client Leonie on fat loss while traveling and working away
2 years ago00:00/00:00#77: Why doctors should be recommending that we all lift weights with Dr Jordan Feigenbaum of Barbell Medicine
2 years ago00:00/00:00#76: Training With Intensity and Separating Fitness Facts from Fiction with Sharelle Grant
2 years ago00:00/00:00#75: There is no "perfect plan"
2 years ago00:00/00:00#74: How to maintain your results post diet
2 years ago00:00/00:00#73: 5 Reasons Why Tracking Your Food Will Help You Lose Weight Sustainably
3 years ago00:00/00:00#72: Should fat loss be slow in order to be sustainable?
3 years ago00:00/00:00#71: Can you eat out at restaurants while dieting?
3 years ago00:00/00:00#70: Can You Drink Alcohol And Lose Weight?
3 years ago00:00/00:00