Lakers Talk with Allen Sliwa
by ESPN Los Angeles
November 13, 2024 9:34 am
This is a Lakers town, and Allen Sliwa is getting you closer to the team during Lakers Talk weekly on ESPN LA 710 and the ESPN App.
Recent Episodes
Lakers Talk HR 2: What He Really Brings
4 days ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 1: AD Update
4 days ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 2: Looking At The Rotation
1 week ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 1: What Happened?
1 week ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk Hr 2: More Father/Son Time
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk Hr 1: First Week Impressions
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 2: It's Been A Long Time
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 1: The Good And The Bad
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 2: Trying To Earn It
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00Lakers Talk HR 1: Dominate AD
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00