THE NOW-IST Experience

THE NOW-IST Experience


WELCOME to the NOW-IST Experience! What can you expect to learn, experience, feel, and share from this journey? To be a NOW-IST, is none other than a person living a Life without stress, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm; in this world that is speeding up, listen and learn, how to slow down and find your own Presence.

Recent Episodes

  • The Body Church with Dr. Liz Letchford

    3 months ago
  • When asked to complete this statement: “I am…” what do you reply?

    7 months ago
  • Michael Bowker's No Ordinary Days!

    1 year ago
  • Learn from the masters~ How to Detach from Outcomes.

    2 years ago
  • Shining the Light when times appear dark with Special Guest ~ Sunny Chayes

    2 years ago
  • Synchronicity Brothers~ Out of this World Story!

    2 years ago
  • Ignite YourBest Life~ Our Special Guest is the Illuminating Stephanie James!

    2 years ago
  • Prepare yourself for a ride in conversation and connection!

    2 years ago
  • Transcendental Leadership is the new emerging narrative for leaders!

    2 years ago
  • Patrick lives by MANY diverse philosophies, but 3 mantras are core to his being...

    2 years ago