The Primal Happiness Show
by Lian Brook-Tyler & Jonathan Wilkinson: Be Mythical
November 14, 2024 8:37 pm
The Be Mythical podcast is a top 1.5% globally ranked show for old souls in this new world to be inspired, guided, and activated by deep, soul-stirring explorations with remarkable thinkers, wisdom keepers, visionaries, and healers about how to overcome the greatest challenge of your life… To become your unique medicine and actualise your own soul’s myth. Old souls are the ones who came here in these crazy modern times to do vital work in service of Spirit and their communities… typically as spiritual practitioners, coaches, innovators, disruptors, healers, teachers, medicine people, and visionary leaders. We’ve been running since 2014 so there are hundreds of mythical, magical, and mystical episodes to choose from that weave together ancient ways for modern days… shamanism, archetypal work, rewilding, embodiment, alchemy, psychedelics and plant medicine, astrology, non-dual spirituality, shadow work, and so much more. In short, Be Mythical is the antidote for old souls struggling to find their way in this new world. Listen now to join us for the mythical adventure that your soul has been calling you into. Our love and blessings, Lian & Jonathan
Recent Episodes
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2 days agoEchoes of the soul: Memory’s role in identity, personal growth & awakening - Anthony Metivier
1 week agoAnxiety: How to journey with it in a spiritual way - Sasha Archer
3 weeks agoThe 4 Archetypes: How to unlock their power - Rod Boothroyd
3 weeks agoThe challenges of working with psychedelics - Paul F. Austin
1 month agoHow to navigate the dark nights and pitfalls of awakening - Daniel Ingram
1 month agoMedicine Stories: How to go from dark depression to deeply rooted - Janet Hill
1 month agoThe true Eve: How to 'transgress' into your power - Vanya Leilani
2 months agoThe invitation of the Sacred Prostitute: Complete receptivity - Lian Brook-Tyler
2 months agoSpirit teachers: How to hear and learn from them - Jonathan Horowitz
2 months ago