To be is enough

To be is enough


Welcome… to be is enough! My name is Sybille. Today, I call myself intuitive, visionary, author, singer-songwriter… artist and innovative creative human being. But that wasn’t always the case. Julia Cameron called people like me in “The artists way” shadow artists. I grew up in a world where art was only for fun. Creativity was nothing to strive for, if you wanted to survive. Better be a lawyer! They called art and creativity “breadless” and you had to dim yourself down if you didn’t aim to be called out as self-absorbed and “too big for your britches”. I needed a couple of years and a couple of professions to understand that conditioning behaviour. Than I had an idea and turned one single letter of the “bread” around 😉 Magically Art & Creativity became “dreadless” 😉 Stories are worth telling and often they enfold their deeper meaning later… when they make sense to us – in the big picture. I hope you enjoy 😉 You heard your own call to create and need a soundboard, a companion, a guide, a wingwoman on the path of self- develop-ment and self-expression? Visit me on

Recent Episodes

  • Between the worlds

    1 month ago
  • Fairytales by night

    4 months ago
  • The darkest egg

    4 months ago
  • Dragonfly in the mist

    5 months ago
  • I have something in my eye

    5 months ago
  • Only the hardened get into the garden

    5 months ago