Unlocking Joy After Grief | Christian Grief Support, Life After Child Loss, Encouragement For Your Faith

Unlocking Joy After Grief | Christian Grief Support, Life After Child Loss, Encouragement For Your Faith


Does the thought of having to live in a world without your child cripple you? Do you lay awake at night with the ”what if’s” and the ”why’s” constantly playing in your mind, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace again? Does everything seem hard, even the little things? Do you just want someone to understand how you feel? I see you friend. In this podcast you will find the hope you’re looking for, the healing you’re longing for, and the key to living again after losing your child, all through the only way it’s possible – Jesus. Hi, I’m Courtney. Wife and mama to 6 kiddos, 1 in heaven waiting for us – and that’s why I’m here. I lost my precious 4 year old son, Sam, in 2017 and the pain and grief that instantly took over was crippling. Everything I went through after that horrific night threatened to consume me. But here I am. Years have passed. And the ONLY.WAY. I made it through was Jesus. His strength and his love carried me through a time that I could NOT have carried myself. His goodness and faithfulness were my life preservers that kept me from drowning. The hope and healing I was searching for was found in him. And it’s my joy to share with you everything this journey has taught me so far. Get ready for encouragement for your faith, tactical tips in dealing with your grief, finding hope and healing for your shattered heart, and learning how to live again. If you are screaming YES to not having to walk this road alone and letting Jesus carry you through, then I’m ready to lace up my shoes and begin walking this road with you. Learn >> www.unlockingjoy.com Connect >> courtney@unlockingjoy.com Facebook >> @unlockingjoy Instagram >> @unlockingjoy Get to know God’s Character with this Free 30 day Scripture Calendar >> www.unlockingjoy.com/godscharacter

Recent Episodes

  • 46 | Rediscovering Who You Are After Losing Your Child

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  • 45 | Why is God’s Word So Powerful? (And How it Can Help You Through Those Waves of Grief)

    1 week ago
  • 44 | 4 Things You Need to Prioritize in your Grief Journey

    2 weeks ago
  • 43 | How I Made it Through My Son's 7 Year Heaven Anniversary (And How You Can Too)

    3 weeks ago
  • 42 | 4 Ways to Overcome Fear After Losing Your Child

    1 month ago
  • 41 | The Typical Advice That Doesn’t Work for Grieving Moms (And What Works Instead)

    1 month ago
  • 40 | How to Plan Your Summer Memories with Intention (Plus Some Ideas To Get You Started!)

    1 month ago
  • 39 | 5 Things I Did to Bring Joy to my Life After Losing my Child

    2 months ago
  • 38 | My Easy 3 Step Quiet Time Routine

    3 months ago
  • 37 | 3 Ways Walking Outside Can Play a Role in Your Healing Journey

    3 months ago