Wise Whys

Wise Whys


Discover your Authentic Self and gain valuable tools and insight into understanding how communication and past trauma is at the root of many of our internal and external challenges. To release and restore these past issues, we discuss techniques for breaking habits, processing emotions, relating and communicating to others, and helping acute or chronic issues on your path to overall wellness on all 5 levels.

Recent Episodes

  • How Are We Fooling Ourselves?: Recognizing Self-Deception in Our Self Growth Practice

    3 days ago
  • Signs From The Divine: Useful Ways to Interpret & Utilize Various Experiences & Signs from the Universe

    2 weeks ago
  • Empathic Mediation: Strategies for Managing Conflict as an Emotional Empath

    4 weeks ago
  • Internal Resistance: Discovering the Root of Every Emotional Reaction

    2 months ago
  • The Challenge of Trying to Live in Unconditional Love w/ Aaron

    2 months ago
  • Loving Unconditionally: A Further Discussion with Alexander

    2 months ago
  • Aarons’s Top 5 Relationship Tools & Techniques of The J.U.S.T. Philosophy

    3 months ago
  • Alexander’s Top Relationship Tools of The J.U.S.T. Philosophy

    3 months ago
  • Top 10 Self Development Tools of the J.U.S.T. Philosophy w/ Aaron

    4 months ago
  • Top Self Development Tools of the J.U.S.T. Philosophy w/ Alexander

    4 months ago