Quick Communication Tips

Quick Communication Tips


Quick Communication Tips to help busy professionals “Master the moment, no matter what hits the fan” –LM. For Better Communication and Less Stress, these audio tips are fast, fun, and focused. Enjoy! [itunes pic]
Have you ever been unengaged when listening to a speaker? Your needs are not being met? You can’t connect to what they are saying so you just tune out while resenting that your time is being wasted? If you are the one communicating to the audience, don’t let this happen to you! Welcome to Part 1 in our 4 part series “How to Connect to 97% of your Audience” hosted by Lorna McLaren; communication training specialist. This first tip will help you connect and engage the largest chunk of your audience members.

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  • 20 Tips to Communicate with Your Teenager, Part 1

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  • Thanks in Advance; Quick Communication Tips

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