OPEN UP with Amira

OPEN UP with Amira


In this podcast series, Amira, The Communication Expert is bringing you semi-weekly soulversations. These conversations will feed your soul, grow your mind and leave you with food for thought. She’s all about helping you OPEN UP so you can truly communicate as your true self AND get the best out of your relationships. Whether that’s with your partner, friends, family or team at work. She puts it all on the table and gets deep, raw and honest with her guests so you can walk away with bite-size tools that will help you develop the communication skills you truly desire. Listen on Apple Podcast & Spotify and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. So grab a seat, join us at the table and let’s OPEN UP.

Recent Episodes

  • Ending friendships, creating new ones and how to navigate the changes in adult friendships |EP 109

    4 months ago
  • Your workplace survival guide; how to handle challenging conversations & imposter syndrome | Ep 107

    4 months ago
  • Trading Corporate Hustle For Bikini Business w/ Toco Founders | EP 106

    5 months ago
  • The art of planning and prioritising to maximise your productivity | EP 105

    5 months ago
  • Getting Real with Daisy Morris: The ride from social anxiety to TedX speaker | Ep 104

    5 months ago
  • Empower your inner dialogue & achieve a healthier you | Ep 103

    5 months ago
  • From childhood wounds to friendship bonds: navigating your healing journey w/ Tasha Bailey | Ep 102

    6 months ago
  • How to unlock the power of self-love | Ep 101

    6 months ago
  • Learning how to find your purpose, build a career and navigate loss w/Maria Tibblin | Ep 100

    6 months ago
  • Thrive in 2024: Crafting intentional habits for success Ep 99

    6 months ago