Be the Connected

Be the Connected


What if, regardless of our religious, cultural, and political beliefs, we had that one single thing in common that connects us? And, if we did have that connection, we could use that as a starting block to find other things we have in common and, by doing so, realize we’re not that different after all? It’s time to find that one connection. It’s time to be that change. It’s time to Be the Connected.

When we think of the world, it’s easy to get discouraged. Thinking of the hate, and anger, and vitriol, and loathing. Thinking of the fear, the isolation, the end of belief in good. And it can break us.

But we need to keep believing in the good, because we weren’t born with hate. And if we’re not born with hate, maybe we can learn to overcome it.

In this week’s show, I share a story my grandfather told me about his brother, and how he overcame hate through the unlikeliest of circumstances – by conversations with his prison guard in World War II.

Because if we can learn to overcome it like my grandfather’s brother did, then perhaps the world doesn’t need to continue on the path it seems to be on today. It’s up to us to change the narrative.

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Mentioned on this week’s show

– Bridge on the River Kwai

My equipment

– Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic
– RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom
– Dragonpad Pop Filter

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