Shlomo’s Thoughts on the Torah

Shlomo’s Thoughts on the Torah


After morning prayers Shlomo Bar-Ayal gives a daily, brief, one to three minute talk on the Portion of the week.

Recent Episodes

  • Sometimes Action Is Needed

    3 days ago
  • We Are An Exceptional Nation

    4 days ago
  • Balaam's March Of Folly

    5 days ago
  • We Are Under God's Protection

    6 days ago
  • When Hate Overwhelms Them

    1 week ago
  • Why The Hate Us

    1 week ago
  • Evil Looks For Weakness

    2 weeks ago
  • Leaders Are Also Human

    2 weeks ago
  • The Most Important People

    2 weeks ago
  • A Leader Is Always On Duty

    2 weeks ago