Why won’t Allah talk to us?

Why won’t Allah talk to us?


Muslims perform some of the strangest rituals of all religions, including a special Salah to bring about rain. Muslims must also conform to a strict social and religious code. The reason we adhere to these things is not that they make sense. We believe and follow them because we have a message from outer space. A message from Allah the creator of heaven and earth. This message is the Quran and it was delivered to us by an illiterate Arab man who was meditating in a cave near Makkah. Quran tells us everything, from who Allah is? Why did Allah create us? why won’t Allah talk to us or give us a sign? and the Quran rhymes! You don’t believe this? Quran challenges you and all mankind, no later than page 4, to bring about a single Surah of the Quran’s likeness. Put up or Shut up, If you can beat the illiterate Arab man, you will have proved this is no word of Allah, you will bring the whole thing crashing down. This is in fact, an English-speaking infidel’s guide to destroying Islam in one argument! In this podcast, I will take you over Quran from beginning to end, Who knows, maybe you are that special someone who can bring a single Surah of its likeness and make it rhyme. Or maybe I can just bring myself and you a little closer to the truth. If you are interested, you can reach me via email for suggestions, comments, or anything else: whywontallahtalktous@gmail.com

Recent Episodes

  • 18: So, why won't Allah just talk to us? Or Give us a sign? (Season Finale)

    2 years ago

    Error loading: "https://www.buzzsprout.com/2015208/episodes/12529352-18-so-why-won-t-allah-just-talk-to-us-or-give-us-a-sign-season-finale.mp3"
  • 17: Beyond Time & Space "Al-Baqarah (113 - 119)"

    2 years ago

  • 16: Nourishing your soul "Al-Baqarah (109 - 112)"

    2 years ago

  • 15: The mandate of Allah "Al-Baqarah (104 to 108)"

    2 years ago

  • 14: The Weakness of Sorcery, & Disrespecting Bani Israel's Heritage "Al-Baqarah (101 to 103)"

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  • 13: Are the Heavenly Rewards reserved for Bani Israel? "Al-Baqarah (94 to 100)"

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  • 12: Why didn't Bani Israel receive a messenger in a thousand years? "Al-Baqarah (89 to 93)"

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  • 11: The broken covenant of Bani Israel "Al-Baqarah (83 to 88)"

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  • 10: The corruption of the scriptures of Bani Israel. "Al-Baqarah (75 to 82)"

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  • 09: Allah commands Bani Israel: Butcher a Cow. "Al-Baqarah (63 to 74)"

    2 years ago
