Muhammad Hoblos

Muhammad Hoblos


Muhammad Hoblos is a well-known Islamic preacher originally from Lebanon, now residing in Sydney, Australia. He is renowned for his passionate and emotional style of preaching, which has earned him a significant following, particularly among young Muslims. Hoblos is known for delivering powerful talks and reminders on various topics relevant to the Muslim community today. His journey to Islam began from a place of personal searching and transformation. Before becoming a prominent figure in the Islamic community, Hoblos struggled with finding purpose and direction in his life. This personal experience fuels his empathetic and relatable approach to dawah (Islamic outreach), making his messages resonate deeply with his audience. Muhammad Hoblos has been actively involved in various Islamic initiatives and media productions. He regularly produces content for the One Path Network, a prominent Muslim media platform. One of his notable works includes a heartfelt video with Ali Banat, titled “Gifted with Cancer,” which has touched many hearts globally. Additionally, he has been part of the Sydney Deen Team, an Islamic radio program, and participated in the Islamic short film “Last Chance.” Hoblos travels extensively to deliver lectures and engage with Muslim communities around the world. His talks often address issues such as faith, repentance, and the importance of staying connected to Islamic principles in daily life. He emphasizes practical advice and spiritual upliftment, aiming to inspire Muslims to lead more fulfilling and devout lives.

Recent Episodes

  • Support Muslim Central

    5 months ago

  • Dont label others as Ramadan Muslims

    2 years ago

  • You are taking your Deen too Lightly

    3 years ago

  • Stay Steadfast in your Religion

    3 years ago

  • How much do you remember Allah?

    3 years ago

  • Divorces are Increasing Too Much

    3 years ago

  • About the Last Chance Movie

    3 years ago

  • How to give Dawah to a Sinner that doesn't listen to you

    3 years ago

  • You Still Are Waiting to Change Your Life

    3 years ago

  • Worship Allah and do Not publicize your sins

    3 years ago
