Just FYI Pod: Conversations about Theology and Culture
by Christopher B. Barnett
November 7, 2024 9:30 pm
Professor, scholar, and writer/novelist Christopher B. Barnett is joined by fellow authors Amy Welborn and Clark J. Elliston to explore issues pertaining to religion, philosophy, and contemporary culture. Episodes with Amy will be dubbed JUST FYI POD: CULTURE and anchored in topics such as movies, TV, and literature. Episodes with Clark will be called JUST FYI POD: IDEAS and centered on various topics in theology, philosophy, and higher education. In both cases, the goal is to provide informative yet accessible discussions of the issues and questions that make life meaningful.
Recent Episodes
JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: "Decision 2024 Postmortem + Election Categories"
1 week ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: IDEAS: "Our Ten Favorite Works of Philosophy: #9"
3 weeks ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: "Ten Novels That Changed Our Lives: #8"
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: IDEAS: "Our Ten Favorite Works of Philosophy: #10"
1 month ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: "Ten Novels That Changed Our Lives: #9"
2 months ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: "Ten Novels That Changed Our Lives: #10"
2 months ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: "Season 2 Preview + Musings on Election 2024"
3 months ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: CULTURE: “Midsummer Check-in: Politics, Pop Culture, and Pandemonium”
4 months ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: IDEAS: “Our Ten Favorite Theological Works: #1”
6 months ago00:00/00:00JUST FYI POD: IDEAS: “Emergency Pod: 2024 Campus Protests and Higher Ed Today”
6 months ago00:00/00:00