EQUIP Austin Ridge

EQUIP Austin Ridge


The Ridge Roundtable Podcast is a ministry of Austin Ridge Bible Church. Hosts Joey Ruyter, Jeff Moore, and Lorri Winkcompleck tackle topics from everyday life and talk through how the Bible and our theology inform our understanding of the world around us. Life is full of questions, and we don’t shy away from them.

Our hope and goal is to invite people to ask hard questions, and to wrestle through them together. We take our faith seriously, but not ourselves. We hope you laugh with us and learn with us, too! At the end of each episode, you will have a better understanding of how to talk about, think about, and live out your faith.

Ridge Roundtable Podcast is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Recent Episodes

  • New Name + New Men's Podcast

    1 month ago
  • 119. Why Are There Mysteries

    3 months ago
  • 118. If God is in Control, Why Pray with Glenn Gordon

    3 months ago
  • 117. Am I Still a Believer if I Struggle With Sin

    3 months ago
  • 116. Why Do Bad Things Happen with Mark Adams

    4 months ago
  • 115. Why Did God Allow Adam and Eve to Sin with Jason Ogle

    4 months ago
  • 114. How Do We Live Faithfully in 2024 with Gary Runn

    4 months ago
  • 113. Isn't the Bible Outdated with Tyler Heidelberg

    4 months ago
  • 112. Why Do I Need Biblical Community with Matt Thigpen

    5 months ago
  • 111. Why Can't My Truth Be My Truth with John Craig

    5 months ago