As LUC Would Have It

As LUC Would Have It


A Leichhardt Uniting Church podcast featuring weekly sermons and additional content. Intro music by Oran Harkin (@oranoramusic) Cover art by Hannah Power.

Recent Episodes

  • #75 - Pride Month - Supporting LGBTQI Inclusion in the Church - Rev. Dr. John Hirt

    1 month ago
  • #73 - Vacation/Vocation - Faith, Generation Z and climate action w/ Grace Vegesana

    2 months ago
  • #72 - Pentecost - The Holy Spirit, the Great Disruptor - Rev. Adrian Sukumar-White

    2 months ago
  • #71 - Pentecost - The Holy Spirit, the Midwife - Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White

    2 months ago
  • #68 - Vacation/Vocation - Reconciliation, allyship and Covenant w/ Madeline Gerber

    3 months ago
  • #65 - Season of Easter - Immovable Boulders, and the Power of Heaven - Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White

    4 months ago
  • #64 - Between Sundays - Passion, neurodivergence and art w/ River Wilson

    4 months ago
  • #63 - Discipleship 101 - When the Church was Born - Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White

    4 months ago
  • #62 - Discipleship 101 - Discipleship is Action - Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White

    4 months ago
  • #61 - Discipleship 101 - The Call of Jesus: Purpose and Community - Rev. Adrian Sukumar-White

    5 months ago