Tree of Life Messianic Congregation

Tree of Life Messianic Congregation


Tree of Life is a Messianic Congregation in La Mesa, CA which is in San Diego County. As a Messianic Jewish congregation, we celebrate Messiah and the Judaism He represented, where the principles of Torah are observed from the heart and not merely from the head. Since we believe this is a Jewish faith for the entire world, we welcome everyone who seeks to better understand Messiah and connect with the Jewish roots of their faith. Yeshua said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.” At Tree of Life, we are a congregation with no second-class citizens! You can find us online at and on Facebook and YouTube!

Recent Episodes

  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha Pinchas

    2 days ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha Balak

    1 week ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha Chukat

    2 weeks ago
  • Guest Speaker: Rev. Earl Clampett - The Road to Union with God II:The 7 Levitical Feasts of the Lord

    3 weeks ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha Shelach

    1 month ago
  • Guest Speaker: Rev. Earl Clampett - You Will Be My Witnesses

    1 month ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha Naso

    1 month ago
  • Erev Shavu'ot 5784 (Pentecost 2024)

    2 months ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Numbers Introduction & Parasha B'midbar

    2 months ago
  • Journey Through the Torah - Parasha B'chukkotai

    2 months ago