Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation

Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation


Congregation of the Living Word (Kehilat Devar HaChaim) is a Messianic Jewish fellowship dedicated to honoring God and His Messiah Yeshua by studying the Word, living His Torah, and following His Spirit. We are followers of Yeshua of Nazareth, the promised Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. We look forward to the return of the Messiah and the resurrection of the dead. We honor all of God’s holy written word…the Torah, the Prophets, and the writings, as well as the Gospels and the Apostolic letters. If you love Israel and want to study the teachings of the Messiah from a Hebrew context…if you can’t attend a Messianic Synagogue on Shabbat, Passover, or another major feast…if you want to dig deeper into Purim, Chanukah, Tisha B’Av, or one of our other traditional festivals, look for our free sermons in the Podcast app or in the iTunes store. Many sermons are available in English and Spanish. To listen to episodes that are older than 4 months, visit

Recent Episodes

  • The Gift of Prophecy  Part 3:  Wrestling With God -  English and Spanish

    2 days ago
  • The Three Weeks of Mourning  Part 3:  The Sins of Our Fathers  -  English only

    4 days ago
  • War in Israel  Part 28:   Day 291 The War and Statistics  -  English only

    6 days ago
  • The Three Weeks of Mourning  Part 2 - Why Do We Fast On The 17th of Tammuz? -  English only

    1 week ago
  • Parshat Balak:  Balaam the Prophet?  -  English only

    1 week ago
  • The Land of Israel  Part 6:  Why Visit The House of Peter in Capernaum? - English only

    2 weeks ago
  • The Land of Israel  Part 5:  Searching For The House Of Peter In Capernaum - English only

    2 weeks ago
  • Parshat Chukat: Trust in Adonai And Cause Him to be Regarded as Holy -  Spanish and English

    2 weeks ago
  • The Gift of Prophecy  Part 2:  Can You Drink of This Cup? -  English and Spanish.

    2 weeks ago
  • Parshat Korach:  Beware The Rebels!  -  English only

    3 weeks ago