Daily Manna | Short Bible Devotionals

Daily Manna | Short Bible Devotionals


“Daily Manna” is a series of daily Bible devotionals. Start your day off with the Word and grow in your faith with these short bible teachings! Discover more resources & join our growing community at finneysamuel.com

Recent Episodes

  • Romans 8:28 | All Things Work Together For Good To Them That Love God

    7 months ago
  • Psalms 107:1 | O Give Thanks Unto The Lord, For He Is Good

    7 months ago
  • Philippians 2:12 | Work Out Your Own Salvation With Fear And Trembling

    7 months ago
  • Matthew 1:21 | This Is Life Eternal, That They Might Know The True God

    7 months ago
  • Matthew 1:21 | She Shall Bring Forth A Son, And Thou Shalt Call His Name JESUS

    7 months ago
  • 1 Corinthians 15:10 | God's Grace Which Was Bestowed Upon Me Was Not In Vain

    7 months ago
  • Luke 19:1-10 | The Son Of Man Is Come To Seek & To Save That Which Was Lost

    7 months ago
  • Luke 5:27-32 | It Is Not The Healthy Who Need A Doctor, But The Sick

    7 months ago
  • Luke 2:10-11 | Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings

    7 months ago
  • Psalms 17:13-15 | O Lord, Deliver My Soul From The Wicked

    7 months ago