Sarita at SolHenge Podcasts

Sarita at SolHenge Podcasts

Are you looking to expand your consciousness?
Are you looking to heal your body?
Are you looking to find your purpose and manifest your best life?
Are you looking to find gratitude and peace through every challenge?
Are you looking for authentic relationship with loved ones and friend’s?

If the answer is yes to any of the above then you have come to the right place.
Start your journey at

Between the quantum fields of ancient shamanic techniques and the future of humanity…..How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. I share my human perspective as well as ancient information coupled with quantum meditations which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered. Please join me on Patreon for Q and A sessions, group meditations and much more: For private mentoring , distant healing, virtual meditation classes and Retreats go to Please feel free to be in touch for information. Sending all blessing to you all. Instagram@sarita_solhenge.Meditation can offer a bounty of awareness and deep healing and support your life into the truth of your own sovereignty I hope my podcast brings you connection love, light, insights and happiness. Please know that any channelling, meditations, practises or comments I share on my channel are for entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for financial, medical, legal and professional mental health advice. My sharings should not be used to replace the advice of any doctor, lawyer or licenced professional.

Recent Episodes

  • Guided Meditation | Transmission | Body Vessel alchemical merging of polarity to oneness within you

    2 weeks ago

  • Spirit of the Bee, Frequency of Honey Meridian Cleansing. Shamanic Journey/Guided meditation.

    3 weeks ago

  • Tree of Life Energy Activation

    3 weeks ago

  • Secrets of the energy body 6. The triad sacred merge into unity consciousness.

    1 month ago

  • Secrets of the energy body 5. Navigating the collective pool of the 4th dimension

    1 month ago

  • New Earth Summit Q&A with sarita sol, Deborah Jane Sutton, Edward Fitzgerald.

    3 months ago

  • Heavy Metal Detox Guided Meditation

    3 months ago

  • Secrets of the energy body 4. The gateway portal of the present moment

    3 months ago

  • Secrets of the energy body 3. 5D crystalline heart coherence

    3 months ago

  • Secrets of the Energy Body 2. The crystalline heart of Gaia and the bodies quantum core processor.

    3 months ago
