The Healing Xanadu 療愈桃源
by The Healing Xanadu 療愈桃源
April 8, 2020 4:19 pm
Channeled and guided wisdom of love and compassion 來自於宇宙和神聖領域的愛與惻隱之心的智慧訊息
Recent Episodes
5 years ago引導冥想-光之療愈
5 years agoGuided Meditation - Healing with Light
5 years ago風水師不會告知你的事
5 years agoWhat Feng Shui Masters will not tell you
5 years agoEnergy Update - All is but temporary
5 years ago能量更新訊息 - 一切都是過眼雲烟
5 years agoEnergy Update - August 2019
5 years agoImportant questions to ask yourself before you speak
5 years ago能量信息 - 2019年8月
5 years ago