Already Cancelled

Already Cancelled


Whether it’s driving, running, vacuuming the house or even taking a shower; The Already Cancelled podcast immerses listeners into the trio of Kian, Yaz & Avneesha (KYA). The listening experience is similar to what you would hear between “siblings at the dinner table” engaging on pop culture, current events and thought provoking topics served with a bit of banter. Aimed at challenging the norm, and each other, whilst keeping it light-hearted and personal in approach.

Recent Episodes

  • Goodbye

    1 month ago
  • BONUS: I had a Seizure at age 1! Here’s how I live

    2 months ago
  • Shocking Leak of P Diddy's Domestic Violence Ep.42

    2 months ago
  • Only Dating Non-English Speaking Asians Ep.41

    3 months ago
  • Mitch Coombs Sparks Outrage: Hilarious Cancer Jokes, Drake vs Kendrick Showdown, and Chris Hemsworth's Unexpected Obsession! Ep.40

    3 months ago
  • Enjoying Sex Means You're Gay, Kian & Avneesha Reconcile, Yaz's Israel Border Nightmare Ep.39

    3 months ago
  • Logan Paul's Baby Drama, Chi Energy Healing, & Kian and Avneesha have a real fight - Ep.38

    3 months ago
  • Sydney Bishop stabbed in Church!

    4 months ago
  • Scams in Bali, Kian’s Greatest Birthday, Debating Drake vs. Kendrick vs. J Cole, Big Mac Facts - Ep.37

    4 months ago
  • Yaz Got Catfished, Neeshi’s Baby Names List, Does Kian Look Transgender? Ep.36

    4 months ago