Sonic Opus

Sonic Opus


Three guys from three completely distant areas of the country join forces to review, discuss, and listen to new music. Kieran Newton (Los Angeles), Dakota Lopez (New York), and Anthony Gunsch (Miami) come together via Skype to discuss some new sounds that come their way. We do our best to choose the most creative and relative new music every week to review and discuss, along with the occasional oldie that we’ll never forget. We dabble in a little music history and news as well. Visit our website to receive information as to where to buy hard copies of the releases we talk about in either CD or Vinyl. If you’d like to contribute to our free weekly podcast, donate on our website, or on our Facebook page. Stay tuned!

Recent Episodes

  • Pure Imaginationality

    14 years ago

  • Sonic Opus #6.1 - Weeklet

    14 years ago

  • Sonic Opus #6

    14 years ago

  • Sonic Opus #5.1 - Weeklet

    14 years ago
