vosotros presents: the lazy susan
by vosotros music
February 12, 2008 5:34 pm
Vosotros is for you-all. Each month, The Lazy Susan delivers a new song straight to your digital plate. And to accompany the entrée, please enjoy the accoutrement, songs recorded by friends of vosotros. Be sure to visit vosotros.com for details on our monthly residency in Los Angeles. Can you taste it?
Recent Episodes
B.R.A.M. - "Messages"
18 years agoTroika - "The One"
18 years agoNoelsson Schmoelsson - "In The Trees"
18 years agoDanger Bees - "Move This Colour"
18 years agoSomeone's Piano - "Da Da Da (then rewind)"
18 years agoJordy Appleheart - "Holly Worthingson"
18 years agoDream Kids - "A Space Band"
18 years agoRuchel - "Fun & Funny"
18 years agoHour of the Shipwreck - "Bow Before The Queen"
18 years agoDesperation Squad - "BAND"
18 years ago