Under the Sheets
by Lauren Pierce
October 24, 2019 10:47 pm
All of the dirty gossip about your favorite classical music composers and performers that you never learned about in music school. 100% factual and based in research.* *Not 100% factual or based in research. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/underthesheets/support
Recent Episodes
6. Long Duck
5 years ago00:00/00:005. Abortion of Your Bunion
5 years ago00:00/00:004. Levels of Hoebaggery
5 years ago00:00/00:003. The Thirst Calendar
5 years ago00:00/00:002. Dvořák Doesn't Understand Racism and Schubert's Sloppy Schubertiads
5 years ago00:00/00:001. Ethel Smyth Was a Crab & Johannes Brahms Was an Eagle
5 years ago00:00/00:00