Quartet for Two – The Classical Music Game
by Arthur Keegan and David Fay
August 16, 2023 5:56 am
Quartet for Two is a light-hearted game about composers and an excuse to talk about music in a silly and opinionated way. Presented by composer Arthur Keegan and radio producer David Fay, the format allows playful discussion of classical music through the ages – littered with mistakes and half-baked opinions.
The game is inspired by QuartetTM the Composer Card Game © 2023 Margit van der Zwan. Buy this beautiful and brilliant game at www.quartetgames.com
Game play:
We use a deck of cards each featuring a composer from the 9th Century right up to the present. We draw a card each, discuss the composers and their music and then – using whatever metric we like – decide who goes through to the next round. There are also some silly wild cards thrown in to mess things up. The point isn’t who wins the game (it’s usually Bach) but just having a fun time thinking and chatting about great music.
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DAVID FAY is an Assistant Producer at BBC Radio 3 (all views expressed on this podcast his own). He tweets at: @themerelistener
ARTHUR KEEGAN is a composer. Find his projects and music at: https://linktr.ee/arthurkeeganmusic
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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