Let’s Talk About Scoring

Let’s Talk About Scoring


We host a live discussion about the Art, Craft, and Business of Scoring for Film, TV, Games/Apps/VR, Commercials/Advertising, and more mediums. Audiences join in with their questions, feedback, and topics and we incorporate their viewpoints into the broadcast, occasionally inviting them via a special remote link to join in live on air. If you are curious about the importance and/or relevance of music in movies and music in all visual storytelling, take a listen to our program and let us know how we’re doing and what your favorite and/or most important moments are in the comments. Are you, or do you want to become, a Film Composer? Pose topics and have your questions answered about the Art, Craft, and Business of Scoring for Film, TV, Games/Apps/VR, Commercials/Advertising, and more. Ask your questions LIVE during the broadcast. You can find the video broadcast of most episodes, on your favorite platforms at: https://www.youtube.com/EvanEvansMusic https://www.pscp.tv/EvanEvansMusic https://www.twitter.com/EvanEvansMusic https://www.twitch.tv/EvanEvansMusic https://www.younow.com/EvanEvansMusic https://www.mixer.com/EvanEvansMusic https://www.smashcast.tv/EvanEvansMusic https://www.facebook.com/letstalkaboutscoring In this week’s Episode, we discuss our top plugin picks of the week, the pros and cons of conducting your music vs hiring out a conductor, comparing eight notation programs, MIDI expression tips, how to avoid sounding like a “keyboard” composer, and finally a teaser on this summer’s exciting 6-day “Total Scoring Mastery” seminar Chapter 1: 00:00 Introduction Chapter 2: 00:24 Some Top/New Plugin Picks from the Guys Chapter 3: 07:48 Conducting Your Music vs Hiring A Conductor Chapter 4: 16:20 Notation Programs – Dorico vs Sibelius vs Finale vs Overture vs Staffpad vs NotateMe Pro vs Lilypond vs Flat.io vs Handwritten Digital Chapter 5: 37:07 Adding MIDI Expression During and After MIDI Input Recording Chapter 6: 44:12 How to Overcome Sounding Like A Keyboardist Composer? Chapter 7: 49:32 TOTAL SCORING MASTERY 6-Day Summer Seminar WATCH ON YOUTUBE AT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1H9CCgvFjs Special Guests: Dallas Crane, Kyle Youhas, and Steven Stratvert.

Recent Episodes

  • Plugins, Conducting, Notation Programs, MIDI Expression, Keyboardisms, Summer Seminar

    6 years ago

  • The 2019 Academy Awards Nominated Scores and Composers

    6 years ago
