F. Omar Telan
by F. Omar Telan
April 13, 2015 6:10 am
SILLY BIO: Born in Philadelphia and educated at Emerson College, F. Omar Telan has directed at La Mama ETC; performed at the Dodge Poetry Festival, PS122, the Philippine Embassy; published in a Gathering of the Tribes, Apiary Magazine, 225 Plays from Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind. SERIOUS BIO: F. Omar Telan attributes his lack of literary success on his slothfulness. With the imagined rejections of thousands of unsent submissions, Omar day dreams of winning many literary awards. Born in the inner city and raised in suburbia, Omar is a poet, performance artist, wannabe novelist, and someday screenwriter who is widely unacknowledged and is one of our least innovative Asian American voices languishing in anonymity.
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