My Favorite Movie is…
by My Favorite Movie is
August 29, 2022 10:45 pm
Hello and welcome to My Favorite Movie is…, the podcast celebrating our favorite movies through fresh, positive perspectives from passionate movie lovers!! New episodes every week!
Recent Episodes
"Good double feature: Strange Babies!" (with Alex Calleros) | Episode 18 BONUS ROUND
2 years agoWhy CHILDREN OF MEN is a Movie With Integrity (with Alex Calleros) | Episode 18
2 years ago"My notes app is just full of JAWS sh*t for you..." (with Taylor D. Adams) | Episode 17 BONUS ROUND
2 years agoJAWS Teaches Us How To Confront Our Fear of the Unknown (with Taylor D. Adams) | Episode 17
2 years ago"You see how bad the government is??" (with Marlin Williford) | Episode 16 BONUS ROUND
2 years agoIs INDEPENDENCE DAY actually about colonization?? (with Marlin Williford) | Episode 16
2 years ago"We need more horror from Toni Collette!" (with Anna Chazelle) | Episode 15 BONUS ROUND
2 years agoHow M. Night Shyamalan Expertly Portrays Childhood Trauma in THE SIXTH SENSE (with Anna Chazelle) | Episode 15
2 years ago"Aren't Triceratops just beautiful creatures?" (with Tricia Aurand) | Episode 14 BONUS ROUND
2 years agoWe Don't Make Movies Like JURASSIC PARK Anymore...But Could We? (with Tricia Aurand) | Episode 14
2 years ago