It’s All My Fault
by JCC
November 4, 2024 11:27 am
Hello universe!
As always, my greatest hope in this lifetime is to somehow, some way, get the chance to see you performing at your absolute best.
That day may not be today… I get it. The seas have been a little choppy lately. Best to appreciate today in whatever ways you can because we haven’t bottomed out yet. Worse is coming.
Plainly stated it’s become a flustercuck. One that’s emerging right now in full cluster. The worst part is that I saw it happening in real time and did nothing to stop it. The blame falls directly on me.
And quite fairly.
For most of my existence I ignored the signs of collapse as they begged to be seen. I pretended the chicanery running rampant across reality would somehow fix itself without intervention.
I watched as truth become maleable, destroying facts in the process. Personal integrity was now a sign of weakness. Reach across the aisle? For what? Only losers compromise.
Winners take all.
Societal accountability? Never heard of it.
I’m clearly at fault for letting things deteriorate the way they did through my decisive inaction. Agree on that we do. However, all of us are now permitting the beat down 21st century life has become.
We aren’t winning. Not even a little bit.
We’re all bruised. We’re all bewildered. We’re all rudderless. We’re all living as diminished versions of the true selves we arrived here to become. We all know this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Are we ufulfilled fundamentally?
Yep. Sure thing. In fact absolutely positively.
But not broken.
Because never, will I ever, come to a point where I lose my faith in you.
What we are capable of accomplishing by working alongside each other is mind-blowing. Our creative potential knows no limits in this universe! None.
In fact today, together, let’s embrace our best selves and bask in the fulfillment that inspires. My humanity is ready to ascend.
I hope yours is too!
Recent Episodes
Let's do the next one together. Okay? Bye.
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00We'll see how far off the rails that one goes.
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00...you feeling good about this? Yeah. Yeah.
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00I guess that was ironic. Pause!
1 month ago00:00/00:00Feel better. Ok? Alright bye. Bye.
2 months ago00:00/00:00Now go do something better with your life.
3 months ago00:00/00:00I say why?
4 months ago00:00/00:00I love my life. I love it.
5 months ago00:00/00:00Up to the challenge I am.
5 months ago00:00/00:00I don't know... you lose something in there don't ya?
5 months ago00:00/00:00