Spencer & Vogue
by Global
November 12, 2024 12:00 pm
Welcome to Spencer & Vogue! Become a fly on the wall to Spencer & Vogue’s marriage, listening in every week as they chat about what’s been going on in their lives. You’ll hear what they’re doing, thinking, and disagreeing on every week as they bring topics to the table, play games and answer your questions. From social media, to money, friends to Spencer’s obsession with Jeff Bezos, there’s never a dull conversation or lack of opinion. So don’t be shy- get involved! Ask questions, for advice, or send in what you think the next big debate should be to spencerandvoguepod@gmail.com. Please review Global’s Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/ For advertising opportunities on this podcast email: dax@global.com
Recent Episodes
Shark Tanks, Old Birthday Cards & Burger King
3 days ago00:00/00:00BONUS: Cornwall & Orange Smarties
1 week ago00:00/00:00A Blue Bed, Jealous Women & Crickets
1 week ago00:00/00:00BONUS: Running out on a Bill & Giving Birth at a Pink Concert
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00Disco Naps, Rivals & Robots
2 weeks ago00:00/00:00BONUS: Strange Theft & Feeding Raccoons
3 weeks ago00:00/00:00Parents Evenings, Halloween Decs & Blimps
3 weeks ago00:00/00:00BONUS: New York & A Narcissistic MIL
4 weeks ago00:00/00:00Fishes, Dating Profiles & The Price of Eggs
1 month ago00:00/00:00BONUS: Mad Funerals & Exiting the Family Whatsapp Group
1 month ago00:00/00:00