Stoney Lake Reflections
by Stoney Lake Reflections with Dustin Smith, Celebrating all things YMCA Storer Camps
June 25, 2018 4:42 pm
No matter the time, the memories of YMCA Storer Camps never leave us. The indelible life lessons learned in a safe place created and nurtured by amazing people. The experiences- so rich, so fun, so rewarding, and full of love and enthusiasm. Children were always at the center, as they should be…and the fun continues today, celebrating 100 years and beyond! Visit http://www.stoneylakereflections.com today!
Recent Episodes
BONUS: From the Archives an Audio Tour from the 80s
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6 years ago00:00/00:00Special Feature: The Legend of Mona Greenfield
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7 years ago00:00/00:00Episode: 07 Clark Ewing
7 years ago00:00/00:00Episode: 05 Jim & Judy Mohr
7 years ago00:00/00:00Episode 6 -Jim & Judy Mohr
7 years ago00:00/00:00Episode 4 -Jim & Judy Mohr
7 years ago00:00/00:00