


Established in 2017 by ANS member and show host Doug Hardtmayer, aims to cover all pertinent topics related to the nuclear industry. Bi-weekly episodes are available. These information-filled podcasts consist of recent news, plus a special guest.

Hardtmayer, an engineer with MPR Associates, Inc. in Alexandria, VA. received his M.Sc. in nuclear engineering from Ohio State University in 2018, with a research focus on molten salts, electrorefining, and radiation detection.

RadioNuclear is always looking for interesting guests, for insight on complex topics, or for dialogue on important nuclear issues. ANS members: If you would like to be a guest on the show, or know of another ANS member that is knowledgeable on a particular topic of interest, contact us at

About the American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society is the premier society for nuclear industry professionals and advocates. Our individual membership ranks include more than 10,000 engineers, scientists, educators, students, and environmentalists. Society members hail from more than 1,600 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies from over 40 different countries. More than 80 industry-leading companies support ANS as Organization Members.

Our Vision: Nuclear technology is embraced for its vital contributions to improving people’s lives and preserving our planet.

Our Mission: Advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.

View the full ANS Strategic Plan:

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Recent Episodes

  • RNE29: Micro Reactors to the Frontline? Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar and Dr. Rita Baranwal Guest!

    5 years ago

  • RNE28: Only nuclear needs to change for the future? Eric G. Meyer guests

    5 years ago

  • RNE27: The value of preserving the LWR fleet. Gene Grecheck guests!

    5 years ago

  • RNE26: Tales from the Nuclear Island (countries)- Alyse Huffman & Harsh Desai guest!

    5 years ago

  • RNE25: What happened in Russia? Dr. Richard Muller of Deep Isolation guests!

    5 years ago

  • RNE24: Batteries will fix all our problems, right?? Craig Piercy guests!

    5 years ago

  • RNE23: Do renewables & nuclear power need to work together? ANS President Marilyn Kray guests!

    5 years ago

  • RNE22: HBO’s Chernobyl: Setback or Opportunity? Tom Bergman from NuScale Guests!

    5 years ago

  • RNE21: Special Episode w/guests Donald Hoffman & Greg Gibson

    5 years ago

  • RNE20: What is a Design Certification? Dr. Jose Reyes Guests!

    6 years ago
