Brain Coach Tips
by Brain Coach Tips
November 9, 2024 5:18 am
Each week, receive practical brain building tips that have proven life-changing for thousands who have applied these principals to make life and learning easier. Your host, Jan Bedell, PhD, started a journey in 1992 that transitioned her from desperate home school mom of a struggling learner into a Master NeuroDevelopmentalist. With her new knowledge of how to optimize brain function, coupled with her previous experience as a public, private and home school teacher, Jan understood there was more to education than just technique and curriculum. header-logo-sqShe found hope and help for her daughter through The NeuroDevelopmental Approach and now conveys her passion by teaching you ways to stimulate brains of all ages. So whether your child is typically developing, gifted, struggling or has a disability, join Brain Coach, Jan Bedell as she shares knowledge that has helped children, teens and adults reach their true God-given potential.
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