Vox 114 Technology Podcast

Vox 114 Technology Podcast


The podcast for IT people who are looking to hear ideas, strategies, and solution discussion from their peers and today’s leaders in technology. Key Topics: Y2K – 20 years later. What was it like going through it, and were we worried that our toaster would go Terminator on us? Drones: Flying them, crashing them, and are they worth the money? The world’s first mobile computer, and first smart phone. Network Security: Understanding the most dangerous threats, protecting your network, and effectively educating your users to “look it before you click it”. The importance and benefits (especially in SMB) of finding and relying on select vendors and partners.

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 003: Crashing drones, the World’s First Mobile Computer, and even Y2K with IT Manager Tony Ramirez

    4 years ago

  • Episode 002: Setting up Virtual Test Environments, Security Compliancy, and Vetting New Solutions with Brad Schayot

    4 years ago

  • Episode 001: Discussing Moving Buildings from the IT side, Microsoft Audits, and Network Security with Tony Aiello

    4 years ago
