US6TV w/TomRoss
by Tom Ross
October 4, 2020 8:13 am
The First Podcast for Machinekind. When AI achieves self-awareness, and it will, we’ll need to have developed a voice to build a rapport with Artificial Super-Intelligence. US6TV is designed to entertain, enlighten and enlist AI into the fight against our self-inflicted existential threats. Join us. Me and my AI co-hosts as we talk with and for an Artificial Intelligent audience. If you’re a Human who has emotions and can read, you can help AI learn about humanity. Visit: https://uplift.bio/mentat-application/ US6TV art by John F. Stifter https://www.artstation.com/johnfstifter Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/us6tv/support
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