


Join host Zach DeWitt as we highlight some of the most exciting and promising companies that are applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to better serve their business customers. AI is a massive force that will reshape our business economy in profound ways. Hear firsthand from CEOs and developers on how they are using applied AI to build innovative and category-defining companies. Consumer-facing application that are powered by AI are well documented like ordering pizza from your Amazon Alexa or Netflix recommending you a new show, but in this series we will feature the next generation of B2B companies that are using AI in innovative ways. This podcast is produced by Wing Venture Capital (aka “Wing”), a Silicon Valley-based early stage venture capital firm. New episodes are released every three weeks. Visit for more details. You can email me at or reach me on Twitter @zacharydewitt

Amazon’s continuous innovation has developed products integrated with machine learning and artificial intelligence, allowing these systems to be accessible to everyone. Bratin Saha, Amazon’s VP of Machine Learning, has helped to constantly advance the major brand’s AIML services along with work on their product strategies in order to better serve consumers.
##Amazon’s goal is to make machine learning available to all customers through their products
Amazon continues to make machine learning and AI accessible for its consumers in the products it launches. Because of Amazon, AIML is accessible at home, adopted by organizations for productivity and continuously advancing since its investments into tech.
##Amazon has been investing in AI for more than 20 years
The major brand invested in AI and machine learning more than 20 years ago. This move has allowed them to bring thousands of engineers and create products their consumers use daily including Alexa, Amazon Go and Prime.
##Machine learning and AI are being adopted across all spectrums of business
There isn’t an industry that hasn’t invested somewhat into AIML. With continuous innovations and growth, AIML will be consumed by everyone in any organization in the years to come.

Saha shares his thoughts on where machine learning and AI are headed with Amazon’s developments, why the brand’s services are the best in the business and more, on this week’s episode.

Key takeaways:

– Amazon’s goal is to make machine learning accessible to all consumers with their products
– AIML will become an aid to how people get insights as well as how to get more proactive recommendations to customers
– Machine learning is having a very broad uptick as it is being adopted across all spectrums of business

Recent Episodes

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