Humans of AI: Stories, Not Stats
by Devi Parikh
September 10, 2022 2:00 am
This is an interview series with AI researchers to get to know them better as people. We don’t talk about AI or their work or the stats of their life like what college they went to. They share what they think about, what they are insecure about, what they get excited about. They share the stories of their day-to-day life. Videos of these interviews are at humanstories.ai. The host is Devi Parikh. Find out more about her at www.cc.gatech.edu/~parikh/ or follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/deviparikh
Recent Episodes
[S2 Re-sliced] 43. Is there anything you'd like to talk about that we haven't covered?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 42. Why did you agree to do this interview with me?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 41. What is some of the best advice you've gotten or given?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 40. Describe something that made you smile today.
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 39. What are some traits common across some of the best collaborators you've worked with?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 38. How do you capture and keep track of ideas?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 37. How do you decide what to work on?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 36. Pineapple on pizza? Yummy or an abomination?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 35. What do you struggle with in life?
2 years ago[S2 Re-sliced] 34. Do you think there is a point to life or our existence?
2 years ago