Turbo Verb – Spanish Irregular Verb Conjugation
by Chris White
May 22, 2010 7:45 am
Welcome to the turbo verb podcast! These short mp3s are meant to assist your brain in learning irregular verbs using the repeat function on your mp3 player. Most mp3 players have an option to repeat a particular tract over and over, and even if yours does not, you can simply hit the back button when the track ends for the same effect. Basically you just sit back and listen to the conjugations, and eventually when you feel comfortable, you can begin to say the correct conjugations in the spaces provided. Turbo Verb was created to help you learn irregular verbs very fast and in your spare time. If you would like to download all of our growing list of irregular verbs you can visit our website http://TurboVerb.com
Recent Episodes
How to use Turbo Verb.
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15 years ago00:00/00:00Conjugation of Freír (to fry) Irregular Verbs from TurboVerb.com
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15 years ago00:00/00:00Conjugation of Confiar (to trust) Irregular Verbs from TurboVerb.com
15 years ago00:00/00:00Conjugation of Cerrar (to Close) Irregular Verbs from TurboVerb.com
15 years ago00:00/00:00