ATA SPD’s Podcast
October 19, 2024 3:00 am
The Spanish Language Division (SPD) is the American Translators Association (ATA)’s largest division. With over 4,000 members around the world, we help the world to connect in Spanish.The aim of this PODCAST is to help you move forward, evolve and improve your business and your lifestyle as a language professional.Throughout these episodes, the members of the ATA Spanish Division and special guests will share ideas and actionable strategies for greater motivation, creativity, communication and contribution in today´s world. Each episode of this podcast is the result of the collaborative effort of the SPD Podcast Committee members. Because TOGETHER, WE ALWAYS GROW. Thanks for listening!
Recent Episodes
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6 months ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD: Celebración del Día del Idioma Español con la SPD
6 months ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD: Edición ATA64 Miami
10 months ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD: Quico Rovira-Beleta – Traducción audiovisual
1 year ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD - Francesca Samuel: Líder y voluntaria de la SPD
2 years ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD, Entrevista a María Marta García Negroni
2 years ago00:00/00:00ATA SPD Podcast, An Interview with Odilia Romero
2 years ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD, Entrevista a Pablo Mugüerza
3 years ago00:00/00:00El Pódcast de la ATA SPD, Entrevista a Eliezer Nowodworski
3 years ago00:00/00:00