By Way Of Dallas
by This Dallas Life
September 20, 2023 3:40 am
New series about transportation and mobility in the Dallas area, and how the way we move affects the way we live. We talk about DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) and other transit agencies in DFW (Trinity Metro, DCTA, Amtrak), regional transportation planning (NCTCOG), micro-mobility (bicycles, scooters, bikeshare), removal of Interstate 345, and more.
Recent Episodes
Scooters are back: where, when, and how to ride / DART hires 100 security officers / Weekend transit more popular post-pandemic
1 year ago00:00/00:00D2 Shelved / Tier 1 & 2 Plans / Streetcars / Week Without Driving / Who are the transportation geeks?
1 year ago00:00/00:00Seven Cycling Groups That Meet Weekly/Monthly in Dallas (Volume 1)
2 years ago00:00/00:00Living Car Free in Dallas: Three Stories of People Who Chose To Drive Less
2 years ago00:00/00:00What's in the DART 2045 Transit System Plan?
2 years ago00:00/00:00