Deal Shredders

Deal Shredders


Welcome to Deal Shredders. We are your hosts… David and Greg! We are local Nashville investors, cash buyers, and real estate agents who love to analyze your deals!

Recent Episodes

  • Deal Shredder's Special Edition: Turning your home into a bank account

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredder's Special Edition: BRRR with Mike Brady

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Special Edition: Should you put your properties in LLC?

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #13 with Michael Lush!

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #12 with Mike Brady

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #11 with Brandon Rumbley

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #9 with Matt Hearn

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #10 with Chad King

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #6 with Tyler Cauble

    4 years ago
  • Deal Shredders Episode #5 with Matt Anderson

    4 years ago