One Minute Governance
by Matt Fullbrook
November 15, 2024 12:00 am
Season 5 is live! New episodes every Monday and Thursday. This season, we’re exploring questions that directors need to *answer*. Are you a director, senior executive, investor, or someone who’s just curious about corporate governance? Tune in for insights about how things work inside and outside the boardroom, based on 20 years of experience and interactions with thousands of directors from around the world. Each episode lasts about one minute and will provide you with questions to ask yourself, your board and your management team, designed to optimize the way your organization makes decisions. Matt Fullbrook is a corporate governance researcher, educator and advisor located in Toronto.
Recent Episodes
242. Is the way we do things likely to make the world a better place?
2 days ago241. How much should we obsess over our customers' needs and desires?
5 days ago240. How well do we really know and trust each other?
1 week ago239. What's one thing we do that's completely useless?
2 weeks ago238. What are three things we wish management would explain to us in greater detail?
2 weeks ago237. What are three things we wish management would explain to us in simpler language?
3 weeks ago236. Are we sure we use our experts well?
3 weeks ago235. What's at the top of our expertise wish list?
4 weeks ago234. How might we empower our loudest directors to be better listeners?
1 month ago233. How might we empower our quietest directors to make an impact?
1 month ago