What Fits You? | An Audio Course on Finding Work that Fits You!

What Fits You? | An Audio Course on Finding Work that Fits You!


Want to change careers? Not sure where to begin? Figure Out what your dream job or a business that fits you actually looks like. This is a step by step course from Happen to Your Career for those that want to start a business or search for the right job!

Recent Episodes

  • 8 What Now: Taking the next step?

    9 years ago
  • 7 What makes you move forward!

    9 years ago
  • 6 How to decide what’s great for you: Your Filter

    9 years ago
  • 5 Stop doing Someone else’s version: What you want in your life

    9 years ago
  • 4 How to find Your Strengths

    9 years ago
  • 3 Signature Strengths: What you do better than almost anyone else!

    9 years ago
  • 2 What’s stopping you right now: Mental Barriers and Fears you didn’t even know you had!

    9 years ago
  • 1 Why can’t you figure out what you want: Understanding the problem

    9 years ago
  • Start Here: What Fits You? - Musings about this audio course

    9 years ago