21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams
by Pilar Orti
November 14, 2024 5:21 pm
Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading and managing remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations. Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.
Recent Episodes
WLP369 Strategy Leader with a Heart
2 days ago00:00/00:00WLP368 How do You Build a Hub of Talent?
1 month ago00:00/00:00WLP367 The 3 A's of Connection and other things I've been up to
1 month ago00:00/00:00WLP366 The Multiple Challenges of "Hybrid"
2 months ago00:00/00:00WLP365 Career Transformation, Cultural Adaptation and Running a Pilates Studio!
3 months ago00:00/00:00WLP364 Researching Gen Z plus Reading and Listening Recommendations
3 months ago00:00/00:00WLP363 Building Engagement and Belonging
4 months ago00:00/00:00WLP362 Bonding and Bridging - plus Reading and Listening Recommendations
4 months ago00:00/00:00WLP361 Can Chatbots Affect Connection in Remote Teams?
5 months ago00:00/00:00WLP360 Remote and Beyond: A New Landscape for the World of Work
5 months ago00:00/00:00