Weekly poetry leaking from the brain of a mad woman trying to make some sense out of the very act of breathing. These are poems recited from my online art blog fataldalliance.com. Please take a moment and listen to me ramble on about all and nothing at all. For more poetry and photographs, go to […]
FreeVerse by Salamander Ink Mag is displaying and presenting the best poetry and literary creations from all over the world. Join us as we explore the creative minds of poets and writers from around the world as they read their own works and discuss their inspiration and process.
It’s not really monthly, not really a newsletter, but it is audio. Each episode is an experiment in spoken word audio and music. I am your host, Matt Bucher.
Join Sotricia King on a journey into a vulnerable space where she reads poetry and discusses her love for creating with fellow creators & friends. Contact her on Instagram @solopoetry._
A podcasting partnership between the Desmond-Fish Public Library and the Highlands Current, offering a poem a day during National Poetry Month, read by community members in Philipstown, NY and Beacon, NY. Hosted by librarian Ryan Biracree.
Poems that feel like home is a podcast for all of us to feel a little less unknown in this vast world. It’s like a comforting hug when you need it the most. If you are listening to this, let’s appreciate the fact that You and I have a home under the same sky.
PoetryNow is a weekly four-minute radio series featuring some of today’s most accomplished and innovative poets who offer an acoustically rich and reflective look into a single poem.
Inside out is a collection of poems by Seattle-raised writer and Americana musician Alex Rasmussen. Each work is a piece of a puzzle which, once assembled, shows in vivid detail a life shaped by the journey from turbulent childhood to nomadic artist. Inside Out available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Inside-out-Alex-Rasmussen/dp/1790828384
Broadening your horizon through spoken word poetry. In this podcast you will hear the backstories of the poems written by myself, along with the poems written by many other poets worldwide! Together, we will listen to the experiences that have inspired poets to write and discover the muses behind their verses. My name is Rochanda […]
This podcast is a poetry gallery space of SayitLow poetry and guests. Enjoy a look behind the creative process of spoken word poets! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sayitlow/support
Kids’ Poetry Club is a whimsical world full of the joy of kids’ poetry, and a place where kids can listen to each other reading their own poems. Every Monday, meet the Club characters in a 15-minute episode filled with rhymes and fun. You can also send your own poetry and art into our current […]
The poems on this podcast are writings of a Liberian poet: Minuscule Ego. Over the years he has sought to bring out his gift of writing through poetry and stories that were birthed from a Liberian setting; an effort to give back to Liberia, through stories that place her within the world of poetry.
Poems and Short Stories Comedy Sketches and vague ideas from the lands downunder. Created by Martin Anton Smith, a NZ based creative. Support the show links Donate via https://paypal.me/mrschmitzo Buy Tee Shirt/Hoodie via http://tee.pub/lic/E3FoSW19gOg Follow on Twitter @MrSchmitzo Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrSchmitzo
I designed the healing podcast to help listeners improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It may feature interviews with experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and medicine, as well as personal stories from individuals who have experienced healing and transformation in their own lives. The podcast may cover a wide range of topics, […]
This is my collection of poems on the title – When you say nothing at all. It’s poetry touching different emotions and situations like smile, fear, miracle, life. Hope you will enjoy it
I AM SHE is developed by crystallee crain. In her debut poetry album, crystallee shares this work to highlight the shadows and bright spots of her experience. Learn more about crystallee crain @ www.crystalleecrain.org. Get more information about the poetry album at www.iamshe.cc.
Poetry from the Woods is a podcast of original poems created by myself over the course of my life. Each episode will consist of a poem I wrote along with background on why and when I wrote it. It will be short so you can listen at any time in the day when you need […]
Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-lynne/subscribe Welcome on in to Serenitypoetry An Original Poetry Driven podcast created by Debbielynne Each short episode contains original poetry and folklore A calming experience, with inspirational content towards Following your own creative path A Spark Once lit burns bright in your https://linktr.ee/Serenitypoetry
Pope’s Essay on Man, a masterpiece of concise summary in itself, can fairly be summed up as an optimistic enquiry into mankind’s place in the vast Chain of Being. Each of the poem’s four Epistles takes a different perspective, presenting Man in relation to the universe, as individual, in society and, finally, tracing his prospects […]
身心靈工作者陳曼寧為您獻聲曼妙的詩篇,體驗過去西方著名詩人的時間與空間,並由音樂製作人Castor Sung配上動人的曲子及原文朗誦,與您一起回到最初的夢園。 Please follow us on Instagram: gwen.castor The fascinating poems are performed by the body, mind and soul practitioner Gwen Chen, delivering to you the experiences from previous brilliant poets. Recited in English and music composition by music producer Castor Sung, traveling back to the dreamland with you together where we used to be […]
Dastaan-e-Musafirs is a podcast where you explore poems and stories with the wordsmith Ruhi and her book ‘In conversation with light and darkness’! Ruhi has also decided to welcome home your questions, poetry, travel and healing stories. She describes the intent of this podcast as, “I don’t know if we’ll ever meet or not in […]
Welcome to my poetry corner. I read poems here, simple as that; original poems by me, poems from friends and family, acclaimed authors and anything submitted by you! You can send it to my IG, @izzy0884. No poem is off limits. Send them in and enjoy! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/izzys2cents/support
This is Marte. Welcome to a new season. We read poetry and then we wrote some more, but this time, let’s go back to our roots. Reading as consistently as we can, with no boundaries. Let’s have a good night. New poetry reading, 6 PM EST. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/marte-bien/support
A space to listen to poetry like you listen to your favourite music, on repeat! We feature poetry from poets who call Canada home with the goal of exposing it to the world, while giving listeners a chance to dive deeper into each poem with a 2nd and 3rd reading. Our audience loves diving further […]
Welcome to For Us, The Sensitive. This podcast is about the sociology of life. We discuss love and human interaction in relation to society. The host also interviews professionals on these subjects. Weekly episodes every Mondays. Host: Tumi Adegoroye
Join New England based Philanthropist and Performance Artist René Goddess as she share original poetry. Themes include self love, white terrorism, intergenerational learning, suicidal ideation, violent, sexual violence, inspirational love, and so many more.
A bi-weekly podcast. A collection of poems of my thoughts and feelings about every day life dilemmas. As well as tips & encouragement for other writers and poets. Join me every Sunday and Thursday, as I invade your ear space. Follow on Instagram: @wokewordsforthesoul Email: wokewordsforthesoul@gmail.com You can also show support through Cash app: $kjthewriter […]
Aesthetically produced audio renditions of the poetry, short stories, and articles published on Lightship. Written and produced by Cory Basil. corybasil.substack.com
I perform mostly spoken word poetry (which are exaggerations of what I go through or have witnessed) and then I talk about my opinions on topics and events that are largely universal.
Why it Meters is a down-to-earth poetic platform and blog designed to integrate the oft isolate sonneteering community. Here you’ll find resources where we can collectively refine our craft, aid in the development of aspiring bards, or simply listen to the velvety voices of voice veterans. Let’s begin writing, shall we? www.whyitmeters.com
the epicenter of everything — community, parenthood, partnership, friendship, overcoming trauma + abuse, mental health support, addiction recovery — is love. love empowers us to take personal responsibility for our impact + supports us in creating healthy relationships with self + our community. love is a choice. love over everything. as two thirty-somethings, gina + […]
Welcome to my podcast where you will hear great poems from me and some of my friends. Tell you stories that may make you cry, laugh, or even cringe. Also, here some random words of wisdom that might actually make your day and have you think about your life decisions
Can you take out 30 seconds from your life and give it to me because I’ll be reciting 30 seconds poem on you, to inspire you, to heal, to soothe you and there are bonus episodes of 30 minutes too where I’ll talk about anything and everything and give you some advises on life. Hop […]
The Ethically Immoral Podcast is a weekly program that features long-form conversations with Poets, Spoken Word Artists, Authors, and other Creatives. Our conversations focus on the creativity behind the Creative we feature. Through our in-depth interviews and live and previously recorded spoken word performances, our goal is to showcase the creative versatility of our guests […]
A spoken word poetry podcast by E.L.Dan, author of Let The Water Run Clear, where we channel the power of words to help us release limiting beliefs, step into our power, and trust that we are never alone in what we’re feeling. Website: rootedincourage.com My Book: https://amzn.to/3L9TsKS Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rootedincourage/support
We Are the Voices Radio is pleased to present inspiring poetry readings and edifying conversations, recorded this past fall and in spring and summer 2020. The episodes included in this series feature the voices of nationally prominent activists, scholars, poets, and more. We offer these episodes in the hope that they will contribute to our […]
Here & Now Living podcast is devoted to the intentionality of sharing audio versions of thought-provoking, inspirational, blogs, and poetry. Our goal is to engage and motivate our listeners toward spaces for healthy change in the way we do life where we can thrive here and now.
A space created and cultivated with affection to connect with other kindred souls. Spreading my thoughts and poetry out there. I hope you enjoy it and come to stay!
I have been writing since I was just a teenager. I have noticed that as I get older, I really want to share my words with others. I hope to help in some way, or to open someone’s mind perhaps help them to see things from a different perspective. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cissy-hilton/support
I’m André Ravone! Prince George’s County, Maryland native poet. I write poetry covering a wide range of topics. Some simple, some intricate. I hope that you will enjoy taking a journey with me through my mind, heart, soul and sometimes through a fictional lens.
The podcast is about the poems, songs and stories of Sarvajeet D Chandra in english and hindustani. It features his poems, musings, stories and writings. Occasionally he will also share stories and songs of others which resonate with him. Sarvajeet is based in Mumbai, India. He writes on life, love, longing, romance, purpose etc. Mother […]
The Poetry Podcast that gives you some culture in 5 minutes or less once a week, pretty much every week. Yes, they’re all poems written by me (and all the music is by me, too), but I challenge you to listen and then tell me that it wasn’t time well spent. Check out https://lefthandrob.net for […]