Get It Again

Get It Again


Get It Again is taking a look back at WCW Thunder! Wrestling insiders Andrea Listenberger, Smackdown writer, Andrew Krukowski, former Lucha Underground writer, and Matt Mazany, former Raw and NXT writer, and host Stephen Loh partake in a journey to rewatch all 156 episodes of Thunder and discuss all the would’ves, could’ves, should’ves, and what-ifs of WCW’s infamous B-show.

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 156: The Season Finale of WCW Thunder

    3 months ago
  • Episode 155: The Penultimate Episode

    3 months ago
  • Episode 154: Too Little, Too Late for The Cat

    3 months ago
  • Episode 153: The Return of Booker T

    4 months ago
  • Episode 152: Heart & Soul of the Main Event

    4 months ago
  • Episode 151: Getting The Band Back Together with Andrea Listenberger

    4 months ago
  • Episode 150: Being The Elite

    4 months ago
  • Episode 149: WCW Goes to Jail

    5 months ago
  • Episode 148: I Assure You; WCW is Open! (Under New Ownership)

    5 months ago
  • Episode 147: Sid, Sad World

    5 months ago